why does everyone assume I smoke weed?
Как же он прекрасен! :heart::heart::heart:
Jared Padalecki
Only 14 hours of t.co/XfiZwtWXMU to go!! I'll also be giving this sweater to a buyer. Recognize it? ;)

Facebook: Jared Padalecki
HOLY MOLY!! 40,000 shirts!! y'all are amazing.
by the way, i found this sweater in my closet. recognize it? (hint: I'm "wearing" the sweater on ANOTHER sweater...).
yup. its the one from the represent.com/jared picture Смайлик «smile»
one lucky winner chosen from the ENTIRE campaign will win it. i hope it fits!!

@темы: фото, foto, Джаред Падалеки, Jared Padalecki, twitter

29.02.2024 в 06:21

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